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State Degree:

  • Erik Gallo

  • Chandler Little

  • Collin McKelvey

  • Triston Platter

  • Valeria Rodarte

  • Selina Santillan

  • Samantha Smith

American Degree:

  • Ty Cota

  • Colton Naylor

  • Taylor Santerre

  • Bailey Todd

Proficiency Awards:

  • Ty Cota- Diversified Crop Production Placement, State Winner

Star Administer:

  • Jordan Reeves- State Finalist

Past Degrees and Awards


State Degree:

  • Reese Banes-Hasty

  • George Becker

  • Charlie Becker

  • Noemi Chavez

  • Sofia Chavez

  • Ty Cota

  • Wyatt Dreesmann

  • Riley Dunning

  • Julissa Espinoza

  • Angel Gonzalez

  • Davis Mardesich

  • Mayvelin Orozco

  • AJ Ramos

  • Emma Sannar

  • Lance Santerre

  • Katlyn Santos

  • Clay Schelhorn

  • Elise Smallwood

  • Braeden Taylor

  • Melinda Tello

  • Lily Wedin

  • Jacob Weinzinger

  • Brian Wilkerson

Proficiency Awards:

  • Lance Santerre- Outdoor Recreation, State Winner & National Finalist


State Degree:

  • Courtney Akers

  • Kylie Allison

  • Diana Gallo

  • Miranda Garewal

  • Geydi Orozco

  • Colby Pantaleoni

  • Hannah Patane

  • Gracia Ponce

  • Cooper Roberts

  • Bianca Rodarte

  • Taylor Santerre

  • Mikayla Schnepel

  • Bailey Todd

American Degree:

  • Jackson Becker

  • MacKenzie Mikulaco

  • Tyler Wilkerson

Proficiency Awards:

  • Bryar Byrne- Star Farmer State Finalist

  • Colton Naylor- Ag Communications State Finalist


State Degree:

  • ​Bryar Byrne

  • Samantha Johnson

  • Jarred Kopp

  • Gina Lockhart

  • Dillan Mattos

  • Mackenzie Mikulaco

  • Colton Naylor

  • Blake Schelhorn

  • Wyatt Swinney

  • Tyler Woolery

Proficiency Awards:

  • Bryar Byrne- Equine Management Regional Finalist

  • Colton Naylor- Ag Communications Regional Finalist


State Degree:

  • Jack Becker

  • Donna Cooksey

  • Jessee Emerson

  • Ariel Ingram

  • Troy Ingram

  • Sarah Lemons

  • Teresa Leyva

  • Mallory Mattos

  • Angelo Morales

  • Winter Papineau

  • Jonathan Punzo

  • Clara Rudd

  • Nichole Schohr

  • Alexis Taylor

  • Jonathon Villapania

  • Makaela Warfield

  • Tyler Wilkerson

Proficiency Awards:

  • Mason Mardesich- Equine Management State Finalist

  • Troy Ingram- Star Placemnt State Finalist


State Degree:

  • Christina Crowhurst

  • Sydney Foster

  • Alex Holland

  • Austin Howard

  • Garet Knipe

  • Mireya Luquin

  • Mason Mardesich

  • Michael Munro

  • Katie Paredes

  • Mikaela Ponciano

  • Edmund Punzo

  • Kersten Ryan

  • Sonia Villapando

  • Samantha Waterbury

  • Taylor Weiss

Proficiency Awards:

  • Mason Mardesich- Equine Management Regional Finalist

  • Nicole Reis- Regional Star Farmer

  • Nicole Reis- Beef Entrepreneurship Regional Finalist


State Degree:



State Degree:

  • Emily Andes

  • Megan Anthony

  • Richard Benish

  • Chad Brown

  • Sandra Dreesmann

  • Colton Franklin

  • Hannah Gonzalez

  • Joe Harp

  • Mikey Herrera

  • Brandon Legnosky

  • Emily Morgan

  • Mackenzie Naylor

  • Reid Nelson

  • Kaelin Rice

  • Hayden Shadd

  • Kody Sorenson

  • Michael Stohlman

Proficiency Awards:

  • Joe Harp- Diversfied Crop Production State Finalist

  • ​Nicole Reis- Regional Star Farmer

  • Nicole Reis- Beef Entrepreneurship Regional Finalist


State Degree:

  • Emily Andes

  • Fraine Cox

  • Ty Dunlap

  • Kyle Duran

  • Alexa Garcia

  • Madison Mardesich

  • Nicole Reis

  • Catherine Roman

  • Joanna Teal

  • Shaynn Waters

  • Raina Wright

Proficiency Awards:

  • ​Nicole Reis- Beef Entrepreneurship Regional Finalist



State Degree:

  • Connor Anderson

  • Charlie Bennett

  • Krista Brown

  • Austin Campos

  • Jacob Dunlap

  • Miranda Ford

  • Taylor Haury

  • Josh Parades

  • Anthony Paredes

  • Wyatt Roberts

  • CJ Stair

  • Jordan Stowe

  • Louis Teal

  • Quin VAnGilder

  • Anthony Espinoza

State Degree:

  • Kacy Blenn

  • Skylee Canada

  • Greg Dudley

  • Ashley Gomez

  • Shelby Hammons

  • NIcolle Kossow

  • Zane McFarlane

  • Josh Pippit

  • Clayton Rudd

  • Clancy Waite

  • Mackenzie Waller



  • ​Blake Dunlap



State Degree

Amelia Morales

Brendon Noal

Bronson Sannar

Justin Schohr

Kayla Bennett

Kegan Waite

Patrick Choate

Sabrina Vinecke

Whitney Duran

Deniko Sisk

Sam Wheeler


State Degree:

Morgan Corley

Blake Dunlap

Emily jacquot

Amanda Larson

Louisa Morales

Julie Rudd

Emileigh Smith

Robert Smith

Ashley Womack

State Degree:

Kadie Blenn

Keelie Cox

Jamie Creel

Travis Dunlap

Tanna Ford

Sonia Gutierrez

Justin Howard

Amanda Kaelin

Parker Leen

Zach McFarlane

Roy Pritchard

Ethan Stolman

Morgan Storm

Colby Wedin


State Proficiency:

Blake Dunlap- Forage Production Winner



State Degree:

Emma Campos

Elena Hart

Jennifer Hochstrat

Brennen Leen

Joey MItzel

Mychele Pitchard

Marcie Rogers

Tayler Schohr

Brittane Sichel

Ben Teesdale


State Degree:

Charles Aldridge

Colby Deal

Tyrell Ford

Chad Gmuca

Henry Hochstrat

Stephanie Kaelin

Maunuel Lamson Jr.

Ashley Rudd

Janessa Sichel

Jenna Silva


State Awards:

Natalie Reis- Oil Crops Winner


State Degree:

Josh Croy

Michelle Keen

Linsey Lowery

Megan Moore

Helena Morales

Zach Phister

Natalie Reis

Laura Waller

Blane Williams


Star Awards:

Tracy Schohr-American FFA Degree

Natalie Reis-Star State Farmer





State Degree:

Ashleigh Aldridgh

Maria Campos

Jamie Deal

Wesley Hartman

Tamara Hochstrat

Caleb King

Matt Lolmaugh

Tara Moore

Amanda Scrogin

Clark Stowe

Jamie Stowe

Scott Stowe

Trenton Tamagni

State Degree:

Kyle Dalrymple

Cody Gmuca

Sreven Haury

Jessica King

Adam Sharrock

Alisha Smith

Kelly Sorenson

Travis Stopplemore


State Award:

Gold Chapter Award


State Degree:

Robin Armstrong

John Casalong

Andrew Collins

Joanna Robinson

Tracy Schohr

Christy Smith

Joseph Stover


State Farmer:

Nathan Reis



State Degree:

Stacy Coleman

Kyle Deane

Heather Dreesmann

Lisa Ford

Kipp Ford

Randy Olson

Nathan Reis

John Stogsdill

Molly Stogsdill


State Award:

Steven Schohr-Star State Farmer



State Degree:

Drew Becker

Shannon Cowee

Chris Donati

Jordan Frazer

Antionette Jacquot

Jacob Robinson

Jennifer Roth

Beth Moore


State Degree:

Brayden Artero

Jacob King

Todd Quist

Amanda Samons

Steven Schohr


Star Awards:

Ryan Schohr- American FFA Degree



State Degree:

Matthew Cox

Mike Sherer

Kellie Sweringen


Star Farmers:

Ryan Schohr


Proficiency Awards:

Ryan Schohr- Diversified Livestock Production


State Degree:

Matt Bozzo

Tatum Casey

Robert Jarratt

Eric S. Pooler

Ryan Schohr

Debbie Watson

Jason Watson

Proficiency Awards:

Ryan Schohr..... Specialty Crop Production

State Degree:

Brian Akers

Bryan Clark

Brittany LaRose

Rocky Donati

Nick Dreesmann

Bradley Jones

Sarah Mayo

Andrew Moore

Bert Onyett

Chad Schohr


State Officer:

Ryan Schohr- Treasurer


State Degree:

Clark Becker

Tim Bolley

Melissa Cone

Marco Izaguirre

Joshua Klein

Heather Wallace


State Degree:

Kay Anderson

Megan Crabtree

Macey Parrott

Chad M. Porter

Rachelle Robinson


Regional Officer:

Nicole Dillabo- Vice President

David Dillabo- Sentinel


Star Farmer:

David Dillabo


State Degree:

Chad Brown

Julie Busch

Jerame Chadek

Shannon Cone

David Dillabo

Nicole Dillabo

Julie Holcomb

Doug Sherwood


Star Farmers:

David Dillabo



State Degree:

Brad Akers

Julie Daddow

Tera Hammons

Jeromy Sannar


State Officers:

Joshua Cook- Vice President


State Degree:

Stacy Berry

Michelle Christ

Dennis Conklin

Joshua Cook

Carianna Dileonardo

Jill Mardesich

Aaron Weinzinger


State Star Farmer:

Lisa Dillabo


State Degree:

Lisa Dillabo

Jason Justenson

Kim Risso

Rohnda Sherwood


State Degree:

Tracy Callaway

Gregg MacFarlane

Tammy Phillips

Cruz Valdez


State Degree:

Stephanie Bennett

Greg Brown

Brannon Byrne

Ray Teesdale




State Degree:

Selena Aguiar

Shannon Bell

Jennifer Christopherson

Joe Limberg

Nannette Pfister

Stacy Shifflet

State Degree:

Jim Anderson Jr.

George Bernard

Burt Christopherson

Tim Crabtree

Scott Johnston

Steven Olson


State Degree:

Toni Austin

Bryan Mann

Lenny Morgan



State Degree:

Leslie Deniz 

Eric Olson

Russell Sears

Brett Storm

State Degree:

Tim Francis

Tammi Learner

Terri Learner

Chuck Lowery 

Chris McLean

Pamela Nuchols

Leslye Ramsey

Brent Springer

Rob Waller


State Degree:

Matt Bozzo

Tatum Casey

Robert Jarratt

Eric S. Pooler

Ryan Schohr

Debbie Watson

Jason Watson


Proficiency Awards:

Ryan Schohr- Specialty Crop Production

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